America won't be able to pass these kinds of reforms nationally since it's still chasing the dragon of sweet, sweet Capitalism ideals. We have the resources (if we stopped spending so much on war) but not the charitable will.
I wonder how much that has to do with race, though.
Those Nordic countries are more homogeneous when it comes to race. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely people of color living there and they face some awful racism with little support. Europe is by no means free of racism. But these socialist programs are created by and for these people. Would they still pass them if a good chunk, like America's 40%, was non-white?
Let's apply it to America: if a state was exclusively white, would they allow some parts of it to live in devastating poverty? Would they let schools in certain areas fall apart? Would they complain about those people on welfare if everyone was white?
I honestly think that a big reason that America has trouble giving equally to all is because that would mean handing "hard earned tax dollars" to those "undeserving" blacks, hispanics, muslims, etc. Remember when Coca Cola made that commercial where people sang America the Beautiful in different languages and conservatives were frothing at the mouth with rage? Those are the same people that cry a little inside just imagining two pennies of their taxes helping a black family in need.
Hell, here in CBU the guy in charge of handing out tax forms refused to give it to a bunch of us (us being Hispanic students) because he didn't think we should be getting anything back from the government despite the fact that all of us work legally and are doing are taxes like we are supposed to. My friend reported him and got an apology from the dean and he's not happily handing us our tax form now, but let me tell ya, that left a nasty lump in our throats. That's no way to achieve equality.
I agree with you 100%. Americans (mostly white, Republicans…lets be honest here) have this thought that you must EARN everything in life. They also think that if you fall short, it's 100% your fault, instead of factoring in countless other things. This brings the blame on minorities for using welfare too frequently and abusing it, when in reality it's mostly white people (go look at the major fraud bust that recently happened. It's mostly white people). I just can't imagine the United States being able to become like Nordic countries because we're so selfish with our money, and completely ignorant to where our money even goes.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with what you're saying. I'm sorry that you and your friends experienced that discrimination firsthand here at CBU.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me sad to think that so many people would rather see others suffer because of their non-white identity than help them as members of the human race. It concerns me that so many Christians read teachings about GIVING yet like you said, would hate to see a penny going to a family in need. I wish capitalism wasn't founded on selfishness. Our citizens have no idea how to care about anyone outside of their nuclear families.
I think the progress Nordic countries have made over time have much less to do with a lack of diversity than you might think. I believe what allows them to progress so far is their focus on education, which includes their (much-needed) strict grip on social/economical/informative corruption. People in Nordic countries are more immune to B.S., as they are taught valid, detailed, un-biased information in a VERY functional, well-funded education system from early adolescence that persists well into graduate studies. In Nordic countries, critical thinking is heavily enforced, and facts are not distorted in the name of any one agenda as they are here in America. In America, our people are much more susceptible to propagated non-sense, as our education system is in the toilet, critical thinking is considered optional, and 90% of all media resources are poisoned with lobbied propaganda as well as half-brained politicians that dictate their ignorance just as valid as my fact. When you take a look at enforcement and diversity policies in Nordic states, it's almost ridiculous how open-minded they are. One country, I remember, was having issues with Islamic extremists coming into the country and raping infidel teenage girls, many of whom were left with barely functional bodies due to severe rectal and vaginal trauma (the raping lasted for hours) and were eventually driven into suicide. The perpetrators were TEMPORARILY DEPORTED in hopes they would learn their lessons, and NOBODY in the established law enforcement handling the case would dare connect their actions to Islam out of fear making a discriminatory remark. Seriously, just think about that for a while, and then reflect on how America would have reacted. There's a lot more that sets our countries apart than just race.