Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hidden Colors Experience.. *Black History Edition*

Seeing that we talk about race all the time and we have been doing so by referencing African American philosophers I decided to dedicate this week's post to do some Moorish Enlightenment and this will be done as a sequel over the next few posts. I've been thinking about it as a reference to what Du Bois was trying to tell African Americans to do in the Conservation of Races, reveal what you can do or bring light to what had been done before we assimilate and become "American", or if you even want to after this.

I was exposed to my own Hidden Colors in the summer of 2014. It was quite an enlightening experience and at the same time, a hard pill to swallow. To know what I've been fed for so long.. To know I've witnessed people being played by their puppet strings... People I event thought highly of.. But then I had to realize it's been programed for so long into generations upon generations' minds  and deprogramming will take just as long as it took to upload this software of a mindset.

As I watched the Hidden Colors Documentary, they uncovered a lot about the Moorish influence and original aborigine real foot print in the world that's been hidden for so many years and covered by the tracks of multiple attempts to take away the true influences of enlightenment, progression, and to perpetuate racial hatred. Here is the link to a YouTube small drop in the bucket of the movie.

Link: http://youtu.be/Stx1haIJqI0

With recent movies like the Exodus, it's not hard to deny the racial prejudices that continue to go on today through the media. With recent events like the eruptions of #WHITEPRIVILAGE & #BLACKLIVESMATTER, it's not hard to overlook the need to keep the oppressed suppressed, to never see the light in this Allegory of the Cave. Through religion hearing Christianity is just a retold story of what really happened and created to the "Jesus" fiction story to sway the ever chained "African Americans" to dance to their beat as long as they can. Through tampering with ancient findings, the pure integrity of not only the job position but also the build of a person to make such changes to history to keep the image of oppression alive... In the eyes of a young growing "African American" race.

Take a few seconds to see what the documentary has to say and sit and think on it. I can find a link for the full documentary if anyone wants it. Or I can present it in class.  I didn't want to present this too early, I didn't want to seem as if I was some crazy anti-white everything. I just want equality and every one to embrace their differences and share to progress as a people (in my wishful thinking lol.)

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